The #STAYATHOME Challenges! Creative ideas to try out whilst self-isolating and social distancing.


Ok team, I’m going to work on the assumption / hope that you are all, by now, aware of a certain health crisis – and that you’re taking it seriously. I know that being completely unable to escape its name at this point is stressing the heck out of a lot of people, so I’ve decided to keep it away from this particular post. Let’s keep this as a momentary haven, but in a considered way that doesn’t deny what’s happening. Deal?

Like so many other folk, I’m finding things a little tough-going right now and I’m acutely aware of my brain – particularly whilst having to practice self-isolating and social distancing – beginning to struggle with its usual acrobatics. So, whilst I was originally going to release these here challenges one at a time, I figured it might be an idea to put together a kinda creative challenge resource for you instead that you can dip in and out of depending on how you’re feeling day to day. This gives me a bit of extra headspace while I’m dealing with a few things and you a few options all in one handy blog rather than lots of separate posts. Hurrah!

As I’ve said previously: the aim here will never be to create something perfect – it’s simply to create for the joy and the interest (and, right now, the distraction) of creating, with just a tiny bit of direction from the theme / prompt provided. You most assuredly don’t have to identify as “a creative” in order to join in; the whole point is that these little exercises are being set to help you develop your creative mindset and have a bit of fun. Give it a go eh? You might just surprise yourself.

These are mostly just outlines of the challenges for now to give you a starting point or three. Keep checking back on Instagram and Facebook for more on each individual challenge! I’ll be sharing some of what I create from these prompts and hopefully a few things from you lovely lot too.

Ready? Here we go!


Portrait of a loved one. Some of us might be a little more cooped up with our nearest and dearest than usual and could perhaps do with an exercise to remind ourselves about just how much we love them and all of their quirks and details. Some of us (myself included here) might be feeling kinda far away, missing them something fierce and could use something to bring them closer. So, in any media of your choosing, I’d like you to create a portrait of someone you love. Whether you choose to paint, photograph, draw or capture them in music or written word, I’d like love to be your intention; what is it about them that you adore? What space best represents them? Are they loud and outgoing or a little more quiet and considered? Do they live for bright colours or more subtle tones? What’s their style? What fascinates them? Will your portrait feature props or will your subject be alone in the image?

If you have a portrait or photograph of someone already, why not try writing a bit of prose or a thoughtful caption to accompany the image? So many lovely options here!



Write a snapshot! Some of you might’ve already had a go at this one, but I can’t emphasise enough what a lovely, mindful venture this is. It’s one my absolute favourite creative exercises in the universe, and I say that as a photographer who – funny thing – quite likes cameras. It encourages me to stop and to really consider a moment, to actively find something beautiful or quietly fascinating in it, and to revel in that discovery. It is something that, during my brain’s more turbulent moments, brings me an extraordinary amount of peace. Choose your moment, take a deep breath and write about the moment in as much detail as you can possibly manage. Check out this blog for more information and step-by-step help to get you started.


Illustrate a piece of advice (particularly pertaining to mental health / wellbeing) that you’ve found helpful recently. It can be in any medium – draw it, paint it, stitch it, write it on a post-it and photograph it somewhere interesting, collage it – whatever you fancy! Get those imaginations going and let’s get some good stuff circulating. Here’s my effort, with needle and thread and various scraps of material:



It might not be particularly deep or poignant, but as someone who was raised listening to the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, it brings a nostalgic grin to my face and – quite frankly – it feels apt right now. When my brain’s feeling somewhat overwrought, a simple reminder to just stop and breathe and take stock (and not forget my towel) will often do the job nicely.


Create an abstract still life image using things found in the kitchen. And then move onto other rooms. And maybe make an awesome mini-series?! But first, the kitchen. You don’t need a fancy pro camera for this (or any of the challenges set here), any camera will do – or you could paint or draw from what you see. Either get creative and set something up, or look a little more closely at what’s already there and how it perhaps changes as the light changes over the course of a day.


Get creative with light and shadow. Those of you who follow me on social media will know that this is one of my very favourite things. Start to look for patterns in those shadows, and notice how localised areas of light pick out individual details. Photograph the shadows and spotlights as they are, or place something else into the image. Yourself or a handy nearby pal / family member / beloved pet or plant, perhaps. This works best on a day with bright sunlight, but it’s amazing what patterns lamp and street light make too when you start looking more carefully!




VISUAL TREASURE HUNT or, possibly, visual bingo? Y’know, whichever floats your boat. Sometimes, if I’m not feeling particularly inspired, I’ll ask other folk online to challenge me to find particular subjects / concepts to creatively photograph. No speedy snapping, the idea is to look carefully and think about it – extra points for getting arty! Should you need a few examples to get the ball rolling:

  • T-t-t-textures! +10 points for a textural photo in each of the following categories: Nature / Urban / Geology ‘n’ stuff
  • Photograph something so exceedingly creatively that you can’t actually immediately tell what it is. +20 points if more than five people are completely bewildered.
  • GET REAL CLOSE. Tiny, macro details please and thank you. Assign your own points depending on smug levels.
  • Patternses, precious! Photos featuring each of these patterns in some way: Stripes / Snazzy Tiles / Spirals (Bonus +10 points if you get all three. Yes that was a Gollum reference in the challenge title. I like patterns, ok?)

Ridiculous descriptions are optional but recommended.


Crank up the distortion / get reflective / put a frame round it. Take photos through things, reflect things back. What do you have around the house that you could use to distort an image pre-Photoshop…? What could you use to frame a composition? (Try out glasses, spectacles, coloured acetate and bottles of water for starters!)



Self-portrait. How are you feeling today? Can you demonstrate it using body language / light / expression / styling? Could you transport yourself elsewhere / create another world to inhabit in an image…? This is a perfect chance to articulate your emotional state or indulge in some artistic escapism, whichever will be most helpful today.


Pick one colour. Create an image using different shades of just one key colour. Maybe that’ll be a portrait which coordinates styling with your location or matches makeup to clothes, maybe it’s a still life of all the bits and bobs you can find lying around in that colour scheme. Maybe it’s a collage made of recycled scraps of a shade or two, or maybe it’s something else entirely! Let’s see what you’ve got.


And finally, for now:

Remote jam?! Inspired by the utterly gorgeous video below, ft Sam Sweeney and Jenn Butterworth, I would LOVE to see some more remote tune / song sessions happening! Put down a melody or some backing and see who might fancy joining in from afar. Medley of 90s classics, anyone…? Just how many harmonies can we get going?


I really hope that you enjoy having a go at some of these challenges and that they help provide a bit of light / interesting relief from everything happening at the moment. Remember, you can repeat these challenges as often as you like! Try them out on different days, you might find that your brain responds better to different kinds of creativity depending on how you’re feeling moment to moment.

Be kind to each other, keep washing your hands and avoiding touching your face and please, please do everything you can to help protect the most vulnerable in our society (and our medical staff, for that matter). Things might seem overwhelming right now, but if we each play our part to the best of our capability, we can get through this together. One day at a time, eh?

All my love,

E x

P.S. If you’d like to share what you create using these challenge prompts, I’d absolutely love to see the results! Tag your posts on social media with #thinkmakeplaycreatechallenge or come and say hi in our new Facebook group – I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

P.P.S. Fancy setting a challenge?! Get in touch! – it’d be wonderful to hear from you.



Hello! Welcome to THINK MAKE PLAY CREATE: a brand new space to explore and discuss the positive impact of creativity on mental health and our ability to communicate about it.

My name’s Elly and I will – to begin with, at least – be your tour guide around here. I’ve spent the last decade working as a professional photographer / designer / musician, and nearly two decades now using creative methods to help me make sense of (and articulate the state of) my brain throughout some decidedly challenging points in my life.

On the days I’m not able to find the words to describe how I’m feeling, or when my head is full of fog and proving hard to navigate or focus through, the ability to express myself using alternative means (for me, usually musical) or to slow down and look at the world a little differently (finding beauty and wonder in the strangest and smallest of places) proved to be an absolute game changer – and something which could be both learned and taught to / shared with others.

I feel I should perhaps, at this point, give you a little extra background into one of the reasons why this has become quite so important to me. The woman carrying the small blonde koala-child (hi!) in the photo above was my lovely Mum. She had the biggest heart and the best smile and spent her life wanting to help people as best she could. As it turns out, she also struggled with mental illness far more than she ever let on and (CW: bereavement) in September 2016, she took her own life. I didn’t see it coming, and I miss her more than I’m currently capable of putting into words. I’m creating this space in her memory, and hoping with all that I have that it does even a little towards helping folk as much as she did.

I’ll be sharing some of my own story and associated creative output with you here, setting a few challenges to get your creative minds fired up, and hopefully teaching you a few of the tricks and tools that have helped me so much over the years…

but it mustn’t just be my voice here. I know what my personal experience of mental ill health (as a white, female, cisgender, non-disabled, generally pretty privileged person) has been and is, but it is so, so important – especially in such strange and divided times – that we learn about experiences outside of our bubble, that we listen to and support and hold space for each other.

And that’s where you come in!

I want this project to be as diverse and as intersectional as we can possibly make it. I’ll be actively looking out for lots of brilliant folk to feature, but I could really use your help finding them too!

So, if you use creativity as a means to aid your mental well-being; if you work in art or music therapy or the mental health field in general; or maybe if you just happen to have a person or project or charity in mind you’d particularly like to see featured on the blog – I’d love to hear from you. As well as featuring guest blogs (submission guidelines here), I’d love to photograph and interview a few folk for this too. Drop me a DM or email me at to get involved!

Opening up the conversation around mental health is something very close to my heart. It’s incredibly important to me that you feel supported and represented here and that the content is made as accessible as possible, so I’d really appreciate any feedback you have as this project develops and evolves over time.

Check back soon for the first challenge blog!

Until then, thank you for visiting – I can’t wait to get this all going properly.

Lots of love,

E x

If you’re struggling with anything at the moment, or if you’ve been affected by anything discussed in this blog: please be sure to talk to someone about it and please, please don’t battle through on your own. Check out The Blurt Foundation and Mind UK for some brilliant online resources and, should you need it, The CALM Zone and Samaritans both offer a free, confidential listening and support service.